Monday, November 10, 2008


This weekend was really extraordinary. Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night, we attended a church event and spent hours in song. It really reminded me how much praising God in singing helps me feel close to Him. Here are some of my favorites:

For the Lord is a Righteous God
How Deep the Father's Love for Us
May My Steps Be Worship
Holy Ground
Above All
Can He Still Feel the Nails
Faithful Love
Mansion, Robe, and Crown
Good to Me
He Knows Just What I Need

This is a very short list in no particular order, but I wanted to share with you some of the songs that make me feel close to God and often uplift my spirits. I'm a big fan of Christian Contemporary Music too, but I'll save those favorites for another post. What are some of your favorite worship songs? Please share them with me in the comments.

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