Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Finals are over, the students are gone, and things are quiet around my office. I. love. it. The end of the semester always gets me thinking about change and this semester has me thinking about change even more than usual. As you have previously read, this semester has been unusually tough for my family. After losing the two friends I discussed in the previous post, three more people connected to us in some way died suddenly adding up to a strange and humbling 5 weeks this spring. I'm in prayer for those families every day, especially on days like last Sunday (Mother's Day). So, when the end of this semester came, I was particularly happy to see the change come. I'm not always a big fan of change. I HATE uncertainty. I'm a planner. I like to know what's going on, when it's happening, who will be there, and why. I like schedules, calendars, and school supplies. Not knowing kills me. However, there is another side of me that loves change. It's that side of me that drew me to being a professor and spending the rest of my life in a college-setting. It's that side of me that felt my soul dying when I was in my first job out of college and I realized at Christmas that I didn't get to move out of the cramped office I shared with the Fran Drescher-like person I worked with and have that change that college always provided at Christmas. It's that side of me that feels refreshed to live in a life scheduled by semesters- fall, spring, summer, fall, spring, summer. So, while some of me hates change, some of me craves it and is loving the fact that I feel a calming sense of peace for this spring being over and summer beginning. Happy summer. May God bless the change and stability in your life.